If your company needs innovations, if your tasks are non-standard and they need to be solved in the best way – we will be happy to help your business.



Electronics and Software
- Hardware for special road equipment
- Embedded software
- Software development for Windows OC
Automation of technological
processes on special equipment
- Road equipment based on truck chassis
- Special road equipment self-propelled
- Road construction equipment
- Production lines for various industries
- Various technological equipment
- Formulations of paint and varnish materials
- Technological regulations, enterprise standards
- Properties of paint and varnish materials
- Replacing imported raw materials
Structure of the STiM Lab company
The structure of the company includes three separate specialized divisions: the design bureau of mechanics, the design bureau of electronics and software, the chemical and technological group with a chemical laboratory.
Electronics and Software
KB Mechanics includes 8 design engineers in the field of mechanics, hydraulics, pneumatics and electrics
The Electronics and Software Design Bureau consists of 8 engineers in the field of electronic devices and software development.
Chemical and Technological
The Chemical and Technological department includes 3 engineers in the field of materials development for the paint and varnish industry and the road industry.
Works for our Clients
Call for a free consultation.
You can ask us any question.
103 B, st. Katin Bor, Brest, 224004, Belarus
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